How to Safely Use a Pneumatic Nailer
(Level: Beginner)
If you are an experienced user or just learning how to use a pneumatic nailer it's best to know the safety issues that surround using this powerful tool. The safety rules are easy to follow and most importantly include wearing eye protection to eliminate the chance of accidents happening while on the job. If you follow these simple 10 rules, your rental experience with the nailer should be a safe one!
1. Read the Manual
Even if you know how to use a pneumatic nailer from previous experience, it is best to read the manual to make sure you know how to handle, load, and operate one of these tools.
2. Always Wear Safety Glasses
No matter your size or strength, your eyes are vulnerable to permanent damage from flying nails or other debris. Make sure to also wear hard hats and hearing protection to protect your ears from the constant trigger of the nails.
3. Keep Your Finger Off the Trigger
Many worksite accidents occur when the tool is carried around with the trigger depressed. Since the trigger is one part of a two-part system, all you need to do is to depress the workpiece contact of the tool to discharge a nail. Instead if you need to move around or clear a jam, disconnect the air supply and save yourself or someone close to you a near fatal injury.
4. Use Regulated, Compressed Air
This may seem like common sense but variations on these directions have been made in the past! Make sure that you only use air that is regulated and compressed. You also should not exceed the recommended air pressure for the tool.
5. Keep Hands and Feet Away From the Fastening Area
If you are driving a 3-1/2"-long nail into a piece of wood, your hand should be nowhere within 3-1/2" radius, at least. Knots, splits, or grain structure of the wood can cause the nail to shift, possibly even out of the wood. Here's a tip on how to figure a safe distance, multiply the fastener length by at least 2, and then use that is the minimum distance you and your body parts should be from the point of nail entry.